From the Twin Cities Star Tribune:
"Right now you are probably asking yourself: "What would it be like to live in a place with an unemployment rate of 1 percent?" Me, too! So I went to Williston, N.D., to find out.
There are certain things that journalists do as a public service because you, the noble reader, are probably not going to do them for yourself -- like attending charter revision meetings or reading the autobiography of Tim Pawlenty. Going to Williston is sort of in this category. The people are lovely, but you're talking about a two-hour drive from Minot.
If you did come, however, you would feel really, really wanted. Radio ads urged me to embark on a new career as a bank teller, laborer, railroad conductor or cake decorator. The local Wal-Mart has a big sign up, begging passersby to consider starting their lives anew in retail sales.
The Bakken Region Recruiter lists openings in truck driving, winch operating and canal maintenance work, along with ads for a floral designer, bartender, public defender, loan officer, addiction counselor and sports reporter. All in an area where the big city has a population of around 16,000."
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