Sunday, 2 September 2012

Videos on the Hydraulic Fracturing Process and the Energy Prosperity It Has Brought to North Dakota

Here's the technology driving our energy bonanza.

Here's another great animation (see another one here) of the drilling technology that is responsible for America's revolutionary, game-changing, shale-based energy bonanza, which was described by CEO Robin West of PFC Energy as the "energy equivalent of the Berlin Wall coming down."

The video above comes from the Energy from Shale organization: 

"Hydraulic fracturing is a process that has been used for more than 60 years for the extraction of oil and natural gas from underground shale formations. The technology continues to improve accessing abundant energy sources, while limiting environmental impact."
The videos below are also from Energy from Shale, and they explain how hydraulic fracturing and shale oil are supporting communities in North Dakota by bringing energy-related jobs and prosperity to the state's Bakken region.


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