DEA official can't answer the questions: Are crack cocaine, heroin, and meth worse than marijuana?
From Andrew Kirwell in "Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) made drug reformers proud on Wednesday when he went after Drug Enforcement Administration official Michele Leonhart during a hearing on DEA oversight. Polis refused to allow Leonhart to get away with half-answering questions about the relative health impact of marijuana versus other drugs.
Rep. Polis is an outspoken advocate of marijuana legalization (last year, he proposed a deficit-reduction plan that involved legalizing and taxing weed). During the hearing, he sought to make Leonhart concede that other Schedule I narcotics are much worse than marijuana — a point drug reformers often use to make the case that pot shouldn’t be classified with drugs like heroin and meth."
Update: From U.S. News and World Report, "Chart: What the DEA Refuses to Admit About Drugs," featuring my chart below:
Update: From U.S. News and World Report, "Chart: What the DEA Refuses to Admit About Drugs," featuring my chart below:
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