Wednesday, 20 June 2012

ReasonTV on Taxpayer-Funded Bike Rental Programs for Well-Educated, Rich White People

ReasonTV above exposes another expensive, government taxpayer-funded public transportation boondoggle, this one being the Capital Bikeshare program, which rents bikes at more than 165 outdoor stations in the Washington D.C. area.  And who are the main beneficiaries of this taxpayer largesse? Well, mostly highly educated, affluent white people.

As Reason explains, "There's nothing wrong with that, of course, except that the program has received $16 million in government taxpayer subsidies, including over $1 million specifically earmarked to 'address the unique transportation challenges faced by welfare recipients and low-income persons seeking to obtain and maintain employment.'"

And Washington, D.C. isn't the only city that is picking the pockets of taxpayers to subsidize bike transportation for highly-educated, relatively wealthy white folks (don't they have the financial resources to buy their own bikes??), it's spreading around the country like the food truck explosion to Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston , Denver, Boulder, Houston, Minneapolis, Madison, Omaha, San Antonio, and Des Moines.

HT: Mark Meranta


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