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Saturday, 7 July 2012
Markets in Everything: Family-Friendly Gun Range in Dallas To Offer Birthday Parties for Kids
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Like Any War, Drug Prohibition Kills
HT: Warren Smith
Markets in Everyting: 3D Printed Fetus
Japanese company will 3D print your fetus for $1275 .
Markets in Everything: U.S. Food Trucks in Paris
NY Times -- "In France, there is still a widespread belief that the daily diet in the United States consists of grossly large servings...
Some Amazing North Dakota Oil Facts
1. North Dakota drillers produced almost 20 million barrels of oil in June from a record number of 7,352 wells, which is more than double t...
The Deflating Newspaper Bubble: Most Major U.S. Daily Newspapers Could Be Dead Within Five Years
The Newspaper Association of America (NAA) recently released data on newspaper advertising revenue for the first quarter of 2012, and the s...
U.S. Railroads Are Booming, Thanks to Bakken Oil
CNBC reporter Frank Byrt travelled to the Bakken region of North Dakota and wrote this report : Among the biggest beneficiaries of the dema...
At the Same Time NYC Obesity Czar Wages War on Sugar, He Plans to Scale Back the War on Drugs
NY Times reports that " Bloomberg Backs Plan to Limit Arrests for Marijuana ." He just can't make up his mind about the Nanny ...
Oil Patch Airport Boom in North Dakota
May boardings were up by 26% at North Dakota's eight commercial airports. The airports at Bismarck, Dickinson and Williston had all-ti...
The Significant Medal Inequality of the Olympics
As predicted in a recent CD post , there was a significant amount of "medal inequality" in the 2012 Summer Olympics, see the count...
Domestic Crude Oil Lowers the Risk Premium
Mark Maddox, former senior official at the Department of Energy and now an energy fellow at the American Action Forum, makes several good po...
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Blog Archive
Quotation of the Day: Sports Socialism
America's Energy Jackpot: Industrial Natural Gas P...
Happy100th Birthday Milton Friedman!
U.S. Restaurants Show Expansion Again in June
America's Energy Revolution Has Brought Lower Real...
Creative Destruction: Acoustic Pianos, R.I.P.
Obama Opposes Min. Wage Increase in Samoa Due to H...
Chicago Fed: Midwest Manufacturing Grew 11% Over L...
Oilman Harold Hamm on America's Premier State - No...
Current Intrade Odds for Republican VP
More Ticket Scalping = Fewer Empty Seats?
Big Screen Energy: Fracking Film Festival in D.C.
Wisconsin's Sand Boom Brings Jobs, Prosperity
"I, Pencil" Updated to 2012 Version "I, Smartphone"
Maybe Private Sector is Doing Fine? Growth in Post...
Libertarian Candidate Will End War on Drugs
Great Interactive Chart of the Summer Olympics
Expect Significant "Medal Inequality" at the 2012 ...
Energy Fact of the Day: U.S. Crude Oil Production ...
Weekly Update on the Bakken Boom, It Just Keeps Ge...
Here's a Michigan Business That Did NOT Happen
North Dakota: Where the Jobs and Opportunity Are
Move Over Bakken, Here Comes Eagle Ford Shale
May Travel Volume +2.3%, Largest Gain Since 2009
CPI for Natual Gas Falls to Nine-Year Low This Year
Markets in Everything: $40 Foot-Powered Washing Ma...
Energy Fact of the Day: North Dakota Oil Could Off...
In a Letter to Congress, Some Economists Refute th...
With U.S. GDP of $15T, Many Large Metro Areas Have...
CEO Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar
Raising the Minimum Wage by 38% to $10 per Hour Wo...
Evidence Mounts: U.S. Real Estate Market Has Passe...
Corporate Greed? What about "Worker Greed"
The U.S. Energy Sector Delivers an Economic Stimul...
Monday Economic Updates
Interesting Fact of the Day: Many of Today's Teens...
Retirement Fact of the Day
The Future of Manufacturing: America not China
Title IX for America's Most Dangerous Occupation?
For Many Consumer Items, Prices Are Falling
A Tale of Two Cities and Two Visions; Market-Drive...
Amazing Illusion of the Day
David Letterman's Deranged Rant on Fracking
No Wage-Price Inflation Spiral with Stagnant Wages
President Obama: Think of All the Businesses That ...
Quotation of the Day: Let's End Discrimination
No Inflationary Pressures Based on the BPP@MIT Ind...
Milton Friedman Responds to Obama’s Claim That The...
Monthly Grammar Post/Rant
N. Dakota Leads U.S. with 2.9% June Jobless Rate
15-Year-Old Improves Pancreatic Cancer Test
Energy Fact of the Day
Poster of the Day
Counteracting Outsourcing Hysteria; Households "Ou...
Thomas Sowell on the Pious Talk about Giving Back
More Failed Renewable Energy Companies
Energy Fact of the Day: No Dry Holes in the Bakken
Portugal's Successful Drug Decriminalization
Median Home Price in June Highest Since 2008, Annu...
Cartoon of the Day
Quotation of the Day: Rearden Steel
Schumer Calls for U.S.-Made Olympic Athletes
The Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009
Coursera Expands to 16 Universities, 3 Int'l.
Empowering Technology: Mobile Phone Access Reaches...
Looking Forward to Sen. Reid's Bonfire
Real Estate News
Think of All the Businesses That Did NOT Happen, T...
America's Revolutionary Energy Bonanza
Sen. Schumer Wants to Ban Foreign-Produced Olympic...
Twitter and the New AEIdeas Blog
Shale Wealth Spreads Halfway Around the World to P...
Cartoon of the Day: Keynesian Economics
June Industrial Production Highlights
Builder Confidence Rises to a 5-Year High in July,...
Fracking the U.S.-Mexico Border
Chart of the Day: How True....
Markets in Everything: Pedaling Prisoners
Midwest Sand Rush Creates Jobs, Prosperity, and "S...
Markets in Everything: Blood for Profit
Markets in Everything: Yell at a Bum
Cartoon of the Day: We Just Don't Make Things
Shale Gas Gives Big Boost to America’s Economy
America's Highly Progressive Federal Tax System
Title IX, STEM, Disparity-Proves-Discrimination Do...
Poster of the Day: Socialism
Lessons from the U.S. Shale Revolution: It Wasn't ...
The Law of Unintended Consequences Confirmed
Markets in Everything: London Taxi Hotel
Exposing the Food Stamp Stimulus Fallacy
Thursday Energy Links
America's New No. 2 Oil State - North Dakota - Set...
Markets in Everything: Talking Gloves
2012 Top 100 U.S. Retailers
Economic Mobility is Alive and Well in America
Markets in Everything: Concierge Medicine
Markets In Everything; Sports Vacation Rentals
Gov. Chris Christie: War on Drugs Is a Failure
The North American Energy Colossus Will Fuel Our H...
Great Moments in Government Bureaucracy
Renault Captur Overview
Blog Archive
Quotation of the Day: Sports Socialism
America's Energy Jackpot: Industrial Natural Gas P...
Happy100th Birthday Milton Friedman!
U.S. Restaurants Show Expansion Again in June
America's Energy Revolution Has Brought Lower Real...
Creative Destruction: Acoustic Pianos, R.I.P.
Obama Opposes Min. Wage Increase in Samoa Due to H...
Chicago Fed: Midwest Manufacturing Grew 11% Over L...
Oilman Harold Hamm on America's Premier State - No...
Current Intrade Odds for Republican VP
More Ticket Scalping = Fewer Empty Seats?
Big Screen Energy: Fracking Film Festival in D.C.
Wisconsin's Sand Boom Brings Jobs, Prosperity
"I, Pencil" Updated to 2012 Version "I, Smartphone"
Maybe Private Sector is Doing Fine? Growth in Post...
Libertarian Candidate Will End War on Drugs
Great Interactive Chart of the Summer Olympics
Expect Significant "Medal Inequality" at the 2012 ...
Energy Fact of the Day: U.S. Crude Oil Production ...
Weekly Update on the Bakken Boom, It Just Keeps Ge...
Here's a Michigan Business That Did NOT Happen
North Dakota: Where the Jobs and Opportunity Are
Move Over Bakken, Here Comes Eagle Ford Shale
May Travel Volume +2.3%, Largest Gain Since 2009
CPI for Natual Gas Falls to Nine-Year Low This Year
Markets in Everything: $40 Foot-Powered Washing Ma...
Energy Fact of the Day: North Dakota Oil Could Off...
In a Letter to Congress, Some Economists Refute th...
With U.S. GDP of $15T, Many Large Metro Areas Have...
CEO Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar
Raising the Minimum Wage by 38% to $10 per Hour Wo...
Evidence Mounts: U.S. Real Estate Market Has Passe...
Corporate Greed? What about "Worker Greed"
The U.S. Energy Sector Delivers an Economic Stimul...
Monday Economic Updates
Interesting Fact of the Day: Many of Today's Teens...
Retirement Fact of the Day
The Future of Manufacturing: America not China
Title IX for America's Most Dangerous Occupation?
For Many Consumer Items, Prices Are Falling
A Tale of Two Cities and Two Visions; Market-Drive...
Amazing Illusion of the Day
David Letterman's Deranged Rant on Fracking
No Wage-Price Inflation Spiral with Stagnant Wages
President Obama: Think of All the Businesses That ...
Quotation of the Day: Let's End Discrimination
No Inflationary Pressures Based on the BPP@MIT Ind...
Milton Friedman Responds to Obama’s Claim That The...
Monthly Grammar Post/Rant
N. Dakota Leads U.S. with 2.9% June Jobless Rate
15-Year-Old Improves Pancreatic Cancer Test
Energy Fact of the Day
Poster of the Day
Counteracting Outsourcing Hysteria; Households "Ou...
Thomas Sowell on the Pious Talk about Giving Back
More Failed Renewable Energy Companies
Energy Fact of the Day: No Dry Holes in the Bakken
Portugal's Successful Drug Decriminalization
Median Home Price in June Highest Since 2008, Annu...
Cartoon of the Day
Quotation of the Day: Rearden Steel
Schumer Calls for U.S.-Made Olympic Athletes
The Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009
Coursera Expands to 16 Universities, 3 Int'l.
Empowering Technology: Mobile Phone Access Reaches...
Looking Forward to Sen. Reid's Bonfire
Real Estate News
Think of All the Businesses That Did NOT Happen, T...
America's Revolutionary Energy Bonanza
Sen. Schumer Wants to Ban Foreign-Produced Olympic...
Twitter and the New AEIdeas Blog
Shale Wealth Spreads Halfway Around the World to P...
Cartoon of the Day: Keynesian Economics
June Industrial Production Highlights
Builder Confidence Rises to a 5-Year High in July,...
Fracking the U.S.-Mexico Border
Chart of the Day: How True....
Markets in Everything: Pedaling Prisoners
Midwest Sand Rush Creates Jobs, Prosperity, and "S...
Markets in Everything: Blood for Profit
Markets in Everything: Yell at a Bum
Cartoon of the Day: We Just Don't Make Things
Shale Gas Gives Big Boost to America’s Economy
America's Highly Progressive Federal Tax System
Title IX, STEM, Disparity-Proves-Discrimination Do...
Poster of the Day: Socialism
Lessons from the U.S. Shale Revolution: It Wasn't ...
The Law of Unintended Consequences Confirmed
Markets in Everything: London Taxi Hotel
Exposing the Food Stamp Stimulus Fallacy
Thursday Energy Links
America's New No. 2 Oil State - North Dakota - Set...
Markets in Everything: Talking Gloves
2012 Top 100 U.S. Retailers
Economic Mobility is Alive and Well in America
Markets in Everything: Concierge Medicine
Markets In Everything; Sports Vacation Rentals
Gov. Chris Christie: War on Drugs Is a Failure
The North American Energy Colossus Will Fuel Our H...
Great Moments in Government Bureaucracy
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